Reader's workshop
(HW)Make-Up work
Oh my gosh I didn't want to do the blog. I curse you Hilory. This is all your fault. I'll get you back for this. The class is already loud, Owen is a boss. <- that is a lie. Owen is going to be a second Greg Mortenson when he grows up. The class is supossed to be reading, but everyone is talking across the room. Haha Luis just tripped. I don't know what to write about. La la la. I can't wait until LEAP. La la la. I got an easel for Christmas. I'm writing all these random comments because I can't think of anything else. I don't like reading the blog in front of the class. It's scary. I have a DEATHLY fear of speaking in front of large crowds. I hear so many people saying "shhhhh" behind me, and it's getting annoying. I can hear the people in Mr. Greaney's class yelling. He can't control kids, ha ha ha.
This blog is so random. I have to look around the room to find things worth writing about.......... Everyone is reading, that's no fun. I'm glad Im doing the blog, otherwise I'd be sitting in my seat next to Hilory. Just kidding. Kind of :\.
Mr. Hastings looks so gangster as a duck. All of these pictures are cool. OMG LOOK AT THE DOG. It's so cute. I want that dog. I deserve that dog. Mr. Hastings makes a disturbing lady. I should stop talking abut the pictures now. Hey, the class is talking, now I can find interesting things to talk about for once. Tishe is talking about the Hunger Games. I want to see that movie. Ew, people are reading Three Cups of Tea. I don't like the book. I don't see why we need to keep reading it, it's just filled with LIES. and more LIES. My arms hurt already from typing so awkwardly on this laptop.
Omg. We have 9 points one more and we get a party. Why oh why can't everyone show up for this class? Am I the only one who wants a party?
People are talking abut the Bernie. That dance is so stupid, but I love it. I showed my mom the bernie and when she tried to do it, she fell, knocked over the lamp, and the computer. It was hilarious. I hit my head laughing at her. Then my Doberman jumped on her. Is this blog too long? Probably. Oh well. I just noticed the tissue box has Cars on it. Omg the paper on the board says 'A 20,000 words= 666 words a day.' 666? I'd take that paper down. Mr Greaney is so loud, I don't like him. whenever he yells, he says "WHAT. IS THE PROBLEM HERE?!" or, "IS THERE A PROBLEM? HERE? HUH?" He scares me.
I should try to memorize the schedule, because I don't know what time we get out of this class. Brian told me we get out at 10:28. Omg thats like 15 minutes. Such a long time.
My legs are sore from running the mile yesterday. And we have to run today, too? That's some walrus.
Brandon's reading Catching Fire. ... Yeah. Daniel is reading The Last Olympian. People tell me the the Percy Jackson series is cool, but personally, I think just one book was enough. People tell me the same thing about the Megaman game. But I've never played that, and people make me feel bad when they're like "YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED MEGAMAN OMG HAVE U BEEN LIVING UNDER A ROCK"
It makes me want to live under a rock.
The class. Is so. Quiet.
omg 8 more minutes. The picture of the lady and two kids on the chalkboard is so depressing. Why do people blow their nose and then look at it? Ew. The thing with googley eyes on the board by the pictures is creepy but cute at the same time.
5 more minutes. I should stop typing so fast. People are packing up; I should too. Ok, byyyyyyeeeee!!<3
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