Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hilory's Blog

Three Cups of Tea
HW: RJ 14.2 to page 146

I did not want to do this blog today but Shawn had to pick me. So, we got to class and Ms. Nakada assigned us new seats except for me. I've been seating in the same seat for the third time in a row. Well, I'm not complaining about it. So, back to class. We started writing down our agenda. Then Shawn read his blog. Ms. Nakada said to take out your  english notebook out. Then I could hear Owen saying something about the baby falling out then Eli said he almost killed his mom or something. I also can hear Billie talking in back. Ms. Nakada asked what happened in the chapter. To be honest this is the most boring book I've ever read. I literally fell asleep once trying to read the book. I would rather be reading the Twilight Saga and I am not a big fan of that series. I've seen all the movies and to me they all sucked. Thank god they made a movie making fun of Twilight. I still can't believe we are back in school. I was hoping this day would never come, but it's here. Oh well. I guess I have to deal with it. Ms. Nakada is reading part of the chapter  and when she's done she asks the class what it was about. I don't even know what chapter they are reading because I'm not paying attenion and I don't feel like it the book is boring anyways. Owen part of the chapter. Then Tishe started reading. I mean, seriously, he should be in drama but he's not. Brandon just started reding then some kid in the front I don't even know, then............well you get the point. Then Brandon said something about Greg taking a chill pill. Owen asked how Greg would know how to build a school. That question has passed through my mind a few times. I just heard someone scream from the hall. Not a shocker. There's always someone screaming in the hall like they're experiencing the movie SAW or something. Well, there's nothing else I could think of writing about the class is so quiet today. It's like a miracle sent from heaven. I seen that Ghenet and Anissa are sitting next to each other. Bad sign. Daniel said he wants to be in the blog. Well the bell is about to ring so bye.

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