HW RJ 7.1-7.5 due Friday
Well I'm happy I get to the blog on a short day. Thank you Monica. Shawn and Tati are wearing out of uniform jackets and Ms. Nakada has to argue with Shawn. The try to be smart and hold the jackets on there arms but they got caught. She took the jackets away. Then Ghenet gets caught but she's the smart one and keepds her jacket on her lap. Eli is still bugging me about giving him 2 dollars. Well, we made a bet that Eli couldn't ask Dora out and he one the bet. Eli you player. not really. We are talking about the book thief. We talk about The Standover Man and Daniel pronounces it Staundover Man. Billie complains about reading like always. Tishe talks about how he doesn't like his dad even though he went thnrough a lot of stuff to to bring u into this world. Tishe thats just sad u would say that. Juan walks by all pidgeontoed and i noticed he stepped on gum. It's all over the side of his shoe. Eli comes over here again still asking about the 2 dollars. so I pay christin back for him and I gave him two dollars. Man, Billie is still talking. she can never stop. Shawn things of Monopoly when someone says dice. I'll kill shawn in that game. TATI GOT CAUGHT WITH GUM. SHE TELLS LUKA TO SHUT UP. AND LUKA YOU WERE THE ONE TALKING ABOUT HER. Ms. Nakada is questioning tati's green undershirt. Billie wants to have open note test. Ms.Nakada calls it differentiation. I call it being an honors class. Billie should use my motto. "Use every chance as your only chance to achieve greatness." Eli says he's different. And the whole class knows he's different. Tati is having an attitude because Luka is always talking about someone. Luka you do get annoying sometimes. I see Justin. I am surprised he isn't sleep today. He denied it yesterday, but we all know he was asleep. Billie is saying Hilory is disturbing my learning. I did know she really wanted to learn. Kohrie is tlking about how i hustled her for my dollar last Friday. Hey when say I want my dollar u better give it to me. And one person in this class knows how it feels. I don't know if I heard right i thtink people are either talking about the book thief or calling each others unmentionable names. The class is trying to decide how to pronounce Liesel/ Liesel. Daniel walked by to get a tissue. I suspected Eli. What a surprise. Eli only only used the tissue once in this class. Well everybody's packing up. 3...2...1 yes. Luka stop telling people to shut up unless you never talked in this class before. Citlali said hi. Justin said put him in the blog. Kohrie said hi. Well bye. Peace people!
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